Do you dread exercise? If so, you’re not alone. Many women view workouts as a “have to” instead of a “get to”. What if I told you that with a few simple tweaks you can actually enjoy working out? It’s true! Today I’m sharing three easy strategies for how to enjoy working out and how to make movement an integral part of your life (that you actually look forward to).

Movement and Intuitive Eating
Although intuitive eating is mostly about relationship with food, there is one principle reserved for movement. It encourages you to listen to your body’s signals and move in ways that feel good rather than forcing yourself into a rigid workout regimen.
When you embrace movement as a form of self-care rather than as an extension of diet mentality, you can cultivate a more positive relationship with your body.Instead of counting calories burned or minutes spent at the gym, pay attention to how different types of movement affect your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. Whether it’s a brisk walk in nature, a dance class, or yoga, engaging in activities that bring you joy can enhance your motivation and commitment to moving your body in your daily life.
For me, moving my body most days is about spending time with my physical self. It helps me check in with myself, feel gratitude for my physical health, and reap the post-exercise benefits of improved mood, clearer mind, and a sense of accomplishment.
Intuitive movement is like cross-training for intuitive eating. Practicing one will strengthen your skills with the other.
Does Working Out Have To Mean Going To The Gym?
Absolutely not! I like to use the word movement instead of exercise because it helps you think more creatively about how you move your body. Plus, it sets you free from the false belief that movement has to be in the form of structured, stereotypical exercise like running or going to a gym. It certainly can be those things, but there are countless other ways to incorporate movement into your life.
When we’re talking about movement, any way that you choose to move your body fits. It can be vacuuming the house, running around after your kids, or working in your garden.
What if I do have big exercise goals?
People often assume that “joyful” or “intuitive” movement always means slow, gentle movement, but that isn’t the case. If you’re a marathon runner or have some other physical activity goal, that’s okay! for you, this can still fall under the category of joyful movement. The key is understanding the underlying motivations, just like with food choices. One person may run marathons as a way to control their weight or prove their worth. This is an extension of diet mentality. However, another person may run a marathon for the sense of accomplishment and enjoyment that distance running brings them. This is an example of joyful movement.
How much exercise do you need?
The general recommendation is to get at least 150 minutes of movement per week to see long term health benefits. But you don’t have to wait – a single workout also has immediate positive effects like better mood, less stress, and a boost in body image.
Your movement can be divided over the day in whatever way works for you. For example, a 20 min run in the morning and a total of 10 min of taking the stairs at the office counts as your 30 minutes for the day.
Over time, moving your body regularly has huge health and wellbeing perks. Daily movement reduces the risk of chronic diseases, depression, cognitive decline, and boosts bone density, strength, mood. It’s also good for our gut microbiome, helps with appetite regulation, and helps us sleep better.

How To Enjoy Working Out
Now that you’re convinced that moving your body regularly is worth it, let’s look at a few proven strategies that will help you enjoy working out and make daily movement a lot easier.
1. Wear comfortable clothes
This seems basic, but so many women resist movement because they don’t like how they feel in their workout clothes! Wearing comfortable workout clothes (or comfortable clothes in general) can significantly enhance your willingness to move your body because you’ll feel more physically comfortable and less distracted by what you’re wearing. Find clothing that fits and that feels good when you move around. It may also be helpful to consider exercise-specific fabrics that stretch, wick moisture, and prevent chafing. You deserve to feel comfortable!
2. Let pleasure be your guide
Studies show that when we engage in movement that we actually enjoy, we are more likely to sustain the habit of movement long-term. Moving in a way that feels good also deepens your connection with your body which helps you form that very important mind-body connection. This also means that the workout of choice will look a little different for everyone – no more cookie-cutter gym workouts. Finding movement you love might take a little experimentation. Here are some questions to help you identify movement that will actually stick.
How did you like to move your body as a child? The way we moved as children was almost certainly driven by pleasure and joy, and not by diet trends and calorie burn. Did you love to ride your bike, roller skate, jump on a trampoline, or play a team sport? You can resurrect any of these activities in adulthood. Get a mini trampoline for your living room or join a recreational volleyball team.
What is your movement style? Let’s face it, there’s nothing worse than a packed group fitness class when you’d rather be solo or a stuffy indoor track when you’d rather be outside in the fresh air. Knowing the conditions under which you most enjoy working out will help you find the pleasure in it (and want to keep coming back for more). Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a group? Indoors or outdoors? Do you like high-intensity exercise or do you prefer something more low-impact? You can also think about how you want to feel post-workout. Do you want to feel calm, energized, or happily exhausted?
Make a list of workouts that you think will bring you the most pleasure (and the conditions you enjoy the most), and choose one to try in the next week.
3. Think of working out as simply sitting less
This sounds too simple to be effective, right? But simply sitting less is an excellent way to make daily movement more approachable. Less sitting comes with its own host of health benefits including improved circulation, better memory and brain health, a boosted metabolism, and lower risk of chronic diseases.
So, where in your day can you either reduce the amount that you sit or break up the periods of time that you sit? Standing desks or treadmill desks are great for this if you sit all day for work. If that’s not possible for you, incorporate trips to fill up your water bottle or take the stairs to a bathroom on a different floor. If you work from home or spend most days in your house, try getting up just 20 min earlier to take a quick walk before you start your day. I do this every weekday morning while I listen to a 15 minute daily news podcast. It reduces the amount of time I might sit and flip through news stories on my phone. Think of daily routines like this that you normally do sitting and try to do them on the move (or at least standing) instead.
4. Be flexible and consider context
Just like gentle nutrition, gentle movement includes flexibility and weighing context. Different days, weeks, and seasons of life will call for different types of movement. In one moment, you may crave a long, extended run, but in other moments you may need a quick 10 minute burst of energy or slow and easy stretch. It might also mean breaking up movement throughout the day – a 10 minute walk at lunch, walking to the mailbox after work, and playing with your kids before bed. It’s okay (and necessary!) to meet each moment with a flexible mindset around your movement.
5. Try coupling: pair workouts with another activity you enjoy
Pairing movement with something that you already enjoy doing will increase the likelihood that you will look forward to workouts! You’ll associate your workouts with the pleasure you get from a favorite hobby or activity like spending time with a friend or family member, watching a TV show, or listening to a podcast. Try a walking date to catch up with a friend or walk during meetings that don’t require you to be in front of a screen. Try walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike while watching a TV show. Spend time with family on a bike ride or hike. One of my favorites is to run or walk outside while listening to an audiobook or podcast.
Unconventional ways to move your body
- Dance in your living room or kitchen. Or take a class!
- Hula hooping
- Work in your yard or garden
- Walk to run errands
- Clean the house
- Jump on a trampoline
- Tai chi
- Slow flow yoga
- Try a treadmill desk
- Join a recreational sports league
- Play in the snow
- Experiment with unconventional workout classes, such as aerial yoga, parkour, or circus skills training
- Play with pets; tossing a ball or engaging in active play can provide both exercise and joy
- Take a walking meeting or brainstorming session instead of sitting at a desk
- Use everyday objects for workouts, like lifting bags of groceries or doing step-ups on a sturdy chair
Whether you call it movement, exercise, or workouts, it doesn’t have to be something you dread. Try these three strategies to actually enjoy working out and make movement part of your everyday life.
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